
From The Inmara

Webs named itself on July 8, 2022. Webs' current pronouns are it/its. It is one of the Outsiders and came forward to help us proceed with Project Open Door. Webs resides amongst the Dragons.

Role in the System

Besides now helping with Project Open Door, Webs seems to have been a regular supporting member of the Bridge Crew for quite some time. It has a demeanor and personality type that is sometimes useful for interacting with outworld people, but mostly it seems to come forward to enjoy things that we're doing (such as watching certain movies) that it likes.

Earliest Memories

Webs' earliest memories are of the cosmos beyond what we have been calling the Hole in the Sky, one of our gateways. It says that it remembers coldness and the terror of loneliness, and doesn't want to leave our system to experience that again any time soon. It is also able to serve us a vision of what it perceived of that, which is a sort of starry plane (though not quite like the night sky). Slightly more recent memories consist of it watching movies with the rest of us.

So far, none of us remember it. It has apparently been blending in with the rest of us as unobtrusively as possible, and so our earliest memories of it are from July 8, 2022, when it named itself.

Self Image

When asked to describe and name itself, when it thought of itself it saw a network of thick white webbing. Which is how it got its name. It also, upon seeing another entity, has the instinct or urge to extend or shoot its webbing out to them, if it were able to do that. It cannot describe that feeling or emotion much further, or what its webbing would do upon contact, so we can only speculate on the meaning of that.

It has also identified a skinny, old, white haired Nick Nolte as having the kind of "vibe" that it imagines its human form to have if it were to present as human. It doesn't identify with Nolte or any of his characters, just the image of a person that resembles him.


We don't much about Webs' relationships. We do know that it at least knows Phage, Morde, and Pike. It has recently spoken at length with our girlfriend Syri, and seems to have a passing knowledge of most people we know, probably from its participation on the Bridge for most of our life.


So far, the only project Webs is involved in is Project Open Door, our attempt to explore our open gateway and what lies beyond it, which it is enthusiastic about (even if it doesn't want to leave our psyche itself).